Natural Boost NutraMedix Drops 60 ml

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Regular price €34,95 EUR
Sale price €34,95 EUR Regular price
Unit price €58,25  per 100ml

Natural Boost is a combination of various plant extracts traditionally used to support male health. They can help support healthy aging and male well-being.

  • Eustephia Cooinea Bark Extract (Eustephia Cooinea Bark Extract)
  • Muira Puama Bark Extract (Muira Puama Bark Extract)
  • Maca Root Extract (Maca Root Extract)
  • Ginkgo Leaf Extract (Ginkgo Leaf Extract)
  • Tribulus Fruit Extract (Tribulus Fruit Extract)
  • Saffron Pistil Extract (saffron flower extract)
  • Epimedium Leaf Extract (Epimedium Leaf Extract)
  • L-Arginine HCI
  • Eurycoma longifolia Root Extract ( Eurycoma longifolia root extract )
  • Jatropha macrantha Extract ( Jatropha macrantha )
  • Other ingredients: mineral water, extractant ethanol (20-24%)
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  • High bioavailability

  • Sustainable & fair

  • Free shipping from 30€

Why Natural Boost NutraMedix Drops 60 ml

Are you looking for natural support for your male health? In Natural Boost you will find a balanced combination of different plant extracts that have been used for many centuries to strengthen men's health.

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Further information

Natural Boost combines 7 different plant extracts and an essential amino acid that can support male health naturally: Epimedium leaves, Tribulus fruits, Jatropha stems, Muira Puama bark, Maca root, Eurycoma root, Ginkgo leaf and L-arginine.

The plant extracts contained come from various folk medicines around the world and have been used for centuries to support male health. Natural Boost brings these traditional active ingredients aspowerful combinationto your home.

You have further questions?

We try to answer all your questions with the best of our conscience. If you have any further questions, you can contact us at any time.

Can you premix NutraMedix drops?

All drop preparations can be mixed together in the same glass of water. The mixture can be stored in the refrigerator for several days before consumption.

How many drops are in a bottle?

Each 30 ml bottle of our liquid products contains around 600 drops, correspondingly each 60 ml bottle contains around 1200 drops and each 120 ml bottle contains around 2400 drops. This way you can easily calculate how many days a product will last.

How high is our bioavailability?

When we say that our products have high bioavailability, we mean that all of our products are designed to be easily absorbed by the body at a cellular level. That's why we offer many of our products in liquid form.

My child takes NutraMedix products. Is the dosage different?

The recommended dose of NutraMedix products is intended for an average-sized adult weighing 60 - 85 kg. For children, a guideline value of 1/4 of the specified dose per 15 kg of body weight may apply.

Are there scientific studies and sources on the ingredients?

The sources listed serve to provide information regarding the ingredients of this product. They do not claim to be complete or exclusive.

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Important information about the product description (disclaimer)

This product and its description do not replace a visit to the doctor and do not represent a promise of healing, but rather serve to provide information. The statements made are based on traditional traditions and experience and have not been proven by scientific studies. If you have serious or unclear symptoms, please seek medical advice.